The Leo Full Moon: Power Plays and Breaking Free

Full Moon In Leo 2025

Who leads? Who follows? And who's had enough?


The Full Moon in Leo is here, and so is the tension between standing in your power and deciding what (or who) isn't worth your energy anymore.

With Aquarius season in full force, the air element dominates—conversations, movements, collective shifts—but this isn't just about community or connection. It's about questioning the structures that shape those things. Who leads? Who follows? And who's had enough? In astrology, the Full Moon represents a time of culmination and fulfilment, while Leo is associated with personal power and self-expression. Aquarius, an air sign, is known for its progressive and humanitarian nature, often challenging existing structures and norms.


The Energy: 44% Fixed, 100% Done With the Nonsense

Leo's fire thrives on authenticity, but the energy now is more about observing than performing. The Sun in Aquarius sits opposite the Moon, and with Mercury conjunct the Sun, there's a conscious and objective orientation to the world. You're seeing things clearly—maybe too clearly. Add a Sun-Uranus square, and you might find that what once felt stable is now uncomfortable.

Uranus doesn't care about your plans. It breaks the rules, sometimes, before you're ready. This aspect suggests rebellion, but not in the wild, chaotic way people expect. It's strategic. Calculated. It's about making the best move for yourself, which might be to walk away from an old dynamic rather than fight to be seen within it.

Meanwhile, Jupiter in Gemini is now moving forward in the 11th house—expanding networks, shaking up alliances, and pushing you to ask: Where do I belong? More importantly, where am I wasting my time trying to belong?

What This Means for You

  • Know when to exit: The power struggle you've been tolerating? It's not worth it.

  • Don't waste words: The Mercury-Sun conjunction means you'll want to talk, process, and explain. The truth? Some people don't deserve the explanation.

  • Reevaluate leadership: Something needs to shift at work, in a friend group, or within your own habits. If you're not leading in your own life, who is?

  • Watch for surprise changes: Uranus has no chill, so expect an unexpected jolt. Disruptions are meant to redirect you. Don't fight the shift—use it.

A Ritual for Reclaiming Power

This isn't about manifesting. It's about cutting loose. Here's a simple ritual you can perform to help you let go of what no longer serves you and reclaim your power. You'll need a few items, which we'll discuss in the following steps.

You'll need:

  • A piece of paper

  • A candle (any colour that feels strong to you)

  • A mirror

  1. Write down a situation, role, or expectation that you're done carrying.

  2. Light the candle and look at yourself in the mirror. Out loud, ask yourself, "Do I need this?" If the answer isn't a clear yes, it's a no.

  3. Burn the paper (safely) or tear it up, letting go of any attachment to prove yourself.

  4. Blow out the candle and walk away. That chapter is closed.

One-Liner for Each Sun/Rising Sign

  • Aries: Not everyone deserves your fire—stop wasting heat on the wrong people.

  • Taurus: If a structure is cracking, let it fall. You don't need to hold it up.

  • Gemini: The right words matter. The wrong ones aren't worth your breath.

  • Cancer: Protecting your peace isn't selfish. Stop apologising for having boundaries.

  • Leo: If you have to demand respect, they've already lost the privilege of your presence.

  • Virgo: You don't need to fix everything. Some things are broken for a reason.

  • Libra: Be done with people who only show up when they need something.

  • Scorpio: If someone tests your patience, let them fail the test.

  • Sagittarius: You're not stuck. You're just refusing to walk through the open door.

  • Capricorn: Your time is expensive. Start charging accordingly.

  • Aquarius: You don't have to be likeable to be powerful. Choose power.

  • Pisces: Stop waiting for a sign. You already know what to do.

This Full Moon isn't about getting louder but getting smarter. Whether you hold your ground or walk away, the power is yours. Choose wisely.

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Meet Angela: Pilates Instructor, Astrologer, Human Design Guide, wanderlust enthusiast, Content Creator, and Writer.

Angela's mission is to empower women on their journey towards personal growth, resilience, and harnessing their inner power. She is a trusted source for practical insights and guidance, helping individuals enhance their well-being and personal development. Angela's versatile expertise offers a holistic approach to living a balanced, empowered life.

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